Thursday, October 21, 2010

kikki. oKay!

Yesterday I journeyed to the city in the middle of my working day. There was a $500 gift voucher to be spent you see. It was a gift to our company from one of our suppliers. But what can one buy for an office at Melboune Central? Stationary of course! So I carefully selected gifts for each person in the office from kikki.K. and Smiggle and put it on their desk last night. Everyone got a great surprise in the morning. I even got something for myself (of course). This diary. I love you. Please. Make me happy all the days of next year with your different designs for each week and polar bear/circus elephant/sunshine stickers for special occasions.


  1. Fantastic purchase Rachel! Now you can look forward to each new day for a special reason. Enjoy!!!

  2. Oooh that would have been so much fun shopping at Kikki K and Smiggle with someone else's money!!! I seriously miss working at Melbourne Central, he he.
    Love the diary you have chosen and I'm sure everyone else was pleased with the item you picked out for them. :)
