It's show time!!! You don't even have to leave your house to enjoy these incredible circus pieces from talented Etsy sellers."The Ring of Fire" print by Roadside
Paper Circus Dancing Hares by UndertheStairsStudio
Showgirl by amberalexander
Daring young girl on the flying trapeze by marysgranddaughter
Hi!! Welcome to my blog. I like art, craft, animals and jewellery. I have combined these loves and hope you will enjoy the outcome! After you've checked out my blog feel free to browse my store at If you would like to request a piece of polymer clay jewellery please let me know. I will try my best to handcraft any animal/plant/object in any colour you desire for you to wear on your person! I can be contacted via email: brambleandbear (at)
Thank you for featuring my embroidery on your beautiful blog!